   I would like to use gschem to draw automation schematics according to
   Swedish standards.
   What I need is an interpreter that handles crossreferences, page
   numbering, BOM generation, and functions like finding duplicates.

   My question to you is how to best go about this.
   I made a test awk script to handle crossreferences.
   I used a titleblock with numbers and letters for x-y coordinates.
   I made symbols for a Telemecanique contactor. 1 coil, 1 nc contact, 1
   no contact, and the 3-pole contactblock.
   The coil had had the following visible attributes:
   crossref1 - page and position of nc contact
   crossref2 - page and position of no contact
   crossref3 - page and position of contactblock
   The contacts had these:
   crossref - page and position of the coil.
   The problem with this is that I only made use of the braces in the
   *.sch files, and looked for the attribute names in a certain depth.
   This was only a test and is not reliable. I want to use a real guile
   interpreter, but this is all greek to me at the moment.
   I would appreciate any advice on how to go about this.

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