On Mar 30, 2011, at 6:03 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 21:22 +0200, John Erlandsson wrote:
>> Thanks for that. I am making progress now...
>> Where can I find a list of all procedures and globals that can be used 
>> for scripting? The libgeda wikipage doesn't seem to cover them all.
> I don't think we have one really - grep the source code is the only way
> to be sure, but I am not even sure what to suggest looking for off the
> top of my head.
> I'm hoping someone who knows the guile integration better than I do will
> chime in.

No, you've got it: grep the source, look through existing scripts. I posted my 
decoding of the gnetlist API a while back, but I haven't looked at gschem. 
Peter Brett would tell you that API is perilous, and he's refactoring it to 
make it safer (my understanding is that it's too easy to create inconsistent 
data structures).

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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