On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:30 PM, yamazakir2 <yamazak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The attached netlist does not converge. Doesn't matter what the inputs
> are, you could put a ramping voltage and it will be the same result.
> NAND latches work just fine, but nor doesn't.

.SUBCKT nor2 a b out pwr
M3 o a 0 0 n w=4u l=0.5u m=1
M4 o b 0 0 n w=4u l=0.5u m=1
M1 n0 a pwr pwr p w=8u l=0.5u m=1
M2 o b n0 pwr p w=8u l=0.5u m=1
.ENDS nor2

Don't have a _spice on hand, but the subcircuit terminal 'out' is not
used internally.  Changing the M3,4 drain terminals to 'out' instead
of 'o' should do it.



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