
I just wanted to say that I'm watching your project with interest and
that I don't consider ngscope "yet another waveform viewer". If you
could bring it to a usable state it would be very useful tool for my
own work. I've tried it but it throws an exception when loading
simulation results (using your own sample data) and then fails to do
anything as the signal list is empty. Tested on Ubuntu 11.4 beta.

I'm also following the development of oscopy, although it seems to
focus more on data post-processing rather than interactive work with
simulation results (still, it is pretty good, if it only supported
more input formats). On these rare occasions when I tried OS
simulators I was usually viewing the results in a spice3 built-in
viewer or gwave. Neither of them really had features I'd expect from a
good waveform viewer.

IMHO writing a good waveform viewer is a great thing to do, as it is
an easiest way of getting a foothold in the real-world workflows.
Schematic/PCB/layout editors suffer from severe vendor lock-in,
professional grade simulators or verification tools are niche and
difficult to implement. In comparison, waveform viewers are relatively
easy and are being used all the time by almost every engineer working
in the field.



On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 8:45 PM, A.Burinskiy <> wrote:
> Hi Kaimartin,
> I did not saw satisfactory analog viewer for ngspice. Could you please send
> me a link or project name? My goal was to have viewer for ngspice, which I
> use for IC design, with all the specific requirements for this field. Thus I
> suit ngsope for this - analyzes ngspice waveforms, noise plots, biasing
> observation, stability analyzes (Bode plots), transients etc. I do not know
> any viewer with such capabilities in OSS.
> Integration of simulator and gschem - that is gschem developers business,
> but I do not think it will ever happened due to obvious reason - there is no
> in OSS standard simulator which everyone uses. I prefer ngspice - the most
> powerful simulator in OSS. Second reason - integration by itself useless, to
> make it powerful models should be developed for every component used.
> Another reason - UNIX is terminal driven thing, with all the consequences.
> From my practice - GUI is just a candy - too much sugar and no health, it
> significantly limits tool capability.... By the way, I remember sourceforge
> has at list one GUI with interface to simulator. I try this long time ago.
> Useless.
> Thanks,
> Alex.

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