John Griessen <> writes:

> On 04/06/2011 05:16 PM, Russell Dill wrote:
>> The use case I'm talking about, you have two nets, say GND and AGND1
>> which are two planes that are connected at a single point. Connecting
>> a component on the AGND1 side is different that connecting a component
>> on the GND side.
> Yes, Levente's way of handling that after the fact is practical and
> what I like to do, since then you keep all your DRC's working against
> error, and have one more step to do after DRC complete.  Perhaps that
> method could be scripted with a makefile?  Can commands from a script
> make a layer invisible and not part of DRCs?  If so, then the starpoint
> connecting copper could be on a special layer for that purpose alone,
> and merged in by using visibility or not.

PCB layer groups may be used here.  Put the short on an extra layer, in
an extra group.  At checkout time, you can assign the extra layer to the
group representing the copper layer that needs shorting.  This is
probably a single char in the PCB file header, and can be done with a
simple sed script.


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