On 04/08/2011 03:43 PM, Karl Hammar wrote:
  Like this?

# 3216 / 1206 as "connecting" footprint

> Works perfectly fine (for the attached pcb file) till you press "o":
> Warning! Net "unnamed_net1" is shorted to net "unnamed_net3"
> Warning! Net "unnamed_net1" is shorted  to F1 pad c

Thanks Karl.  That's what I was thinking, yes.

DJ's flag Idea might be good.  What could it break?
How could it trip you up if you forgot it?
How could it be made unforgettable?

On 04/08/2011 09:29 PM, Steven Michalske wrote:
> Aliases, these map two net names to the same net and an attribute on
> the primary net marks it as the name it should use.  Where the highest
> primary name in the hierarchy is used.

Steve's case is conceptually clean.  Are you doing that with a modified gschem 
or a proprietary tool?

> Why not a description for what it is, instead of fending off some
> program. Like "square,use=xx", where xx could be "fuse", "antenna",
> etc.

Flags like that would be helpful...  [DJ]"For starters, flags are one-bit 
OK, right, then adding attribs would help.

And now we have yet another development task identified with no one to code it 
allow attribs to be converted to flags for certain keywords, (which would be 
for general use then...)


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