On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 09:36:20AM -0400, rickman wrote:
> On 4/13/2011 8:56 AM, ge...@igor2.repo.hu wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 01:02:40PM +0100, Andrew Seddon wrote:
>>> Yes I got this.
>>> OT: I'm new hear so please feel free to ignore this comment, but might
>>> it be worth switching to google groups or similar? The interface is
>>> nice and you can use it like a traditional mailing list if desired.
>> Last year we tried that for challenge24 to remove some load from our
>> servers during the contest. It works fine as long as you are using web
>> and especially if you have google account, but for a plain, non-google
>> user with email only it wasn't that good. I can not recall what exactly
>> went wrong, but I remember we had to switch back to mailman running on
>> our own server.
>> I personally would be more happy to keep the mailing list "private" - of
>> course I am not the one who contributes hosting, bandwidth or admin
>> time.
> I hope this thread doesn't go on too long.  I had received email from  
> this guy at another address so I wasn't sure if the problem had  
> something to do with my security or if he had harvested from this group.  
> I guess it was the latter.
> I think there is a lot of private email sent as a result of things  
> discussed on this list.  So making the list private might not be the   
> best way to handle the spam.  In fact, I've only gotten one spam email  
> from this list that I can remember so clearly the problem isn't very  
> bad.  That isn't why I posted about this.

Sorry, missunderstanding. By private I meant hosted privately instead of 
hosted by some 3rd company like google.

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