> Please pull from the minipack git repository and try again.

Thanks Cesar. I pulled and compiled again and everything built as
expected (just ran ./build-all.sh and no manual intervention was

I copied the "result" directory across to Windows and then ran
pcb.exe. Windows came up with a "Windows cannot open this file, please
select the program to open the file" for the file
ListLibraryContents.sh. If I cancel this, then pcb opens as expected.

I can insert parts, draw lines, cut holes (cool), etc. but there is
something wrong with the interface. The check marks on the menu items
are not visible at all. Also when I try to open a file the file icons
in the file explorer window do not appear unless you move the cursor
over them. They also then disappear when the cursor moves away from

In gschem the menus look correct (icons displayed as expected), but
the open file dialogue has the same problems.

The last time I compiled everything with minipack it worked without
any issues (before the pcb-20100929 update).

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