[sorry, pressed Send too soon]
   SOx are the normal ones - 150 mil wide for most low pin count and 200
   mil wide for others (>18 pins?)
   SOxM is 200mil wide. It fits 8 pin 208mil DataFlash chips.
   I've not used SOxW yet.

   On 29 April 2011 20:08, Thomas Oldbury <[1]toldb...@gmail.com> wrote:

     SO8, SO16

   On 29 April 2011 20:01, Rob Butts <[2]r.but...@gmail.com> wrote:

     Can someone tell me what is the corresponding footprint when a
     datasheet lists a footprint as SOIC-8, SOIC-14 and SOIC-16?  In PCB I
     see SOxx with differing widths and SOJxx_xxx with a slew of varying
     I realize I have to verify all of the footprints but I'm just
     what everybody uses.

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