Oh, yes. We like this!




On 31 May 2011 07:11, Russell Dill <russ.d...@asu.edu> wrote:
> As edge rates increase, signal intergrity (SI) becomes more and more
> important, even for the hobbyist. Unfortunately, the models provided
> by semiconductor vendors typically come in only 2 forms, encrypted
> HSPICE and IBIS. No open tools exist for handling either. An open
> HSPICE decryption utility would only either encourage encryption
> changes or take-down notices.
> Enter Darter, a tool for creating SPICE models based on IBIS models.
> The basic idea is to create a SPICE subcircuit for each IBIS model
> within an IBIS file. Each subcircuit is then wrapped in one of several
> different subcircuits depending on component and pin (or signal name).
> This gives subcircuit names like (note that spaces in the model name
> get converted to underscores):
> DQ_FULL_ODT50_800
> for bare buffers and:
> MT47H128M16U69A_DQ_FULL_ODT50_800_DQ14
> for a buffer with parasitics. The buffers can then be connected with
> transmission lines for simulating SI problems.
> https://gitorious.org/darter
> http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/russell_dill/darter.html
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