On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 21:48:04 +0200
Markus Hitter <m...@jump-ing.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> just tried to compile PCB from freshly updated git sources on a  
> current Ubuntu, but it won't let me:
> : git checkout master
> : git pull
> : ./configure --disable-doc
> ...
> : make clean
> ...
> : make
> ...
> make(2): no rule to create target hid/gtk/gui-render-pixmap.c,
> needed by hid/gtk/gtk_lists.h. Exit.
> (wording translated from german.)
> Any clues?

Try re-running 'sh autogen.sh' before configure.  Also make sure you
have a really clean workspace.  'make clean' might not be enough

PCB git HEAD builds for me as of now, at:
git commit 6fb3667dc3f76b905572c0964f8349d70a600079
date: 2011-06-11 10:31:18 -0700

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04 amd64.


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