On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:27 PM, yamazakir2 wrote:

> To this day I still am not sure why anyone would willing use a mac. I
> have been consistent in this stance for the past 20+ years when I was
> forced to use a mac in elementary school for the first time.

20 years ago was the time of systems 6 and 7, the Mac's low point. The basic 
problem was that the original Mac "system" was not really an "operating 
system". It was essentially a library of utility functions for standalone 
programs. While that was sensible for a graphical computer with 128k RAM, 64k 
ROM, and a floppy, it didn't scale well.

The common resource management that is the essence of an operating system was 
gradually added on as "features". This did not work well, causing conflict and 
instability that increased with successive system versions up to 7. By MacOS8, 
Apple had at least figured out the nature of the mess they were in, and were 
able to take some steps toward fixing it, but they didn't have a truly solid 
foundation until MacOSX.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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