On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 20:48:48 +0200
Felix Ruoff <fe...@posaunenmission.de> wrote:

> I personally like the new style you created. Its very nice! I think
> the reason for adding this small rectangles is, that its easier to
> see, if the button is pressed.

Good point.  I do like the full color fill you show, Andrew.  However,
I think we need a better way of indicating which layers are visible.
Perhaps a little "X" or checkbox icon on the button?  I already dislike
the current buttons' indication of which layers are visible (change of
fill color and text color with inset or outset border). Maybe something
better can be done.


> Am 18.08.2011 04:00, schrieb Andrew Poelstra:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I am working on moving the Gtk layer-selector into its
> > own widget (see bug 699482, for example), and cleaning
> > up the code.
> >
> > A question I have for the group is: why are the backgrounds
> > of the layer buttons in little rectangles? Is there
> > opposition to making the background fill the whole buttons,
> > like so?:
> >
> > http://wpsoftware.net/andrew/dump/buttons.png
> >
> > It would simplify the code a bit and IMHO looks more modern.
> > There is a bit of an optical illusion making the new buttons
> > seem bigger, but I checked in gimp and there is no change in
> > size.

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