Olof Tångrot wrote:

Since the source for the gEDA library says it is auto generated and should not be 
I can not commit a patch. Hand me the real source and I will create a patch for it 
the missing pattern.

Perhaps Steve Meier will agreee to review my work and we will both contribute to make
the generic support a little bit better.


I would be happy to see improvements in pcb pattern libraries and in gschem symbols. Hmmm if there was a web site that allowed users to rate the quality of patterns... that might be a step towards pattern verification. The geda symbol web page might be a good example.

Sure I would be happy to see your work Olof and to contribute my own.

What happened to that project for automatically generating patterns. It seems to me that if I could use a spread sheet to enter critical data then patterns could be generated from the spread sheet. Is anybody working on something like this?

Steve M.

p.s. my fingers are crossed right now because i have a ridged/flex board with a 45 pad bga flip chip (8 mil pitch) being assembled this week. Circuit designed with gschem board layed out with pcb 1.99o (modified to allow part rotation of 45 degrees)

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