Agus Yudhoyono’s Nomination a Joke: Political Expert 
Jakarta. An expert on state administration law, Margarito Kamis, said the 
nomination of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono – former president and Democratic Party 
chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s son – as Jakarta governor can quite rightly 
be called a joke. 

"This must be a joke. SBY [Susilo's nickname] is a smart man, very meticulous 
in all he does. But Agus... you never even hear his name mentioned in any of 
the polls for the Jakarta election," Margarito said in Jakarta on Friday 

He said the so-called Cikeas Coalition, comprising the Democratic Party, the 
United Development Party (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the 
National Mandate Party (PAN), should reconsider their decision. 

"Yusril and Sandiaga would be a better match. Yusril knows SBY very well," 
Margarito said. 

He also said SBY would not want to lose face by losing to the Indonesian 
Democratic Party of Struggle's (PDI-P) nominee — incumbent governor Basuki 
"Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama — in the Jakarta gubernatorial race. If that happens, he 
may consider it as a personal loss to Megawati Sukarnoputri, PDI-P chairwoman 
and his predecessor as president. 

Old corruption cases that had beset the Democratic Party, such as the Hambalang 
case and the Bank Century bailout case, according to Margarito, will also 
likely resurface after Agus’s nomination. 

Things would get even worse for the Democratic Party if the State Palace throws 
its support behind incumbent governor Ahok. 

"And if the Palace gives its support to Ahok, things might get nasty," 
Margarito said. 

Agus Yudhoyono was today named as a Jakarta governor nominee by the Cikeas 
Coalition, with Jakarta's current deputy governor for tourism and culture 
Sylviana Murni as his running mate. 

The pair emerged after a series of meetings between the leaders of the 
coalition's four political parties at Susilo's home in Cikeas, West Java. 

Agus and Sylviana will register with the Jakarta Election Commission (KPUD) at 
7.00 p.m. on Friday.


 Agus Yudhoyono’s Nomination a Joke: Political Expert 
Jakarta. An expert on state administration law, Margarito Kamis, said the 
nomination of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono – former president and Democratic Party 
chairman Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s son – as Jakarta governor can quite rightly 
be called a joke. 

"This must be a joke. SBY [Susilo's nickname] is a smart man, very meticulous 
in all he does. But Agus... you never even hear his name mentioned in any of 
the polls for the Jakarta election," Margarito said in Jakarta on Friday 

He said the so-called Cikeas Coalition, comprising the Democratic Party, the 
United Development Party (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the 
National Mandate Party (PAN), should reconsider their decision. 

"Yusril and Sandiaga would be a better match. Yusril knows SBY very well," 
Margarito said. 

He also said SBY would not want to lose face by losing to the Indonesian 
Democratic Party of Struggle's (PDI-P) nominee — incumbent governor Basuki 
"Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama — in the Jakarta gubernatorial race. If that happens, he 
may consider it as a personal loss to Megawati Sukarnoputri, PDI-P chairwoman 
and his predecessor as president. 

Old corruption cases that had beset the Democratic Party, such as the Hambalang 
case and the Bank Century bailout case, according to Margarito, will also 
likely resurface after Agus’s nomination. 

Things would get even worse for the Democratic Party if the State Palace throws 
its support behind incumbent governor Ahok. 

"And if the Palace gives its support to Ahok, things might get nasty," 
Margarito said. 

Agus Yudhoyono was today named as a Jakarta governor nominee by the Cikeas 
Coalition, with Jakarta's current deputy governor for tourism and culture 
Sylviana Murni as his running mate. 

The pair emerged after a series of meetings between the leaders of the 
coalition's four political parties at Susilo's home in Cikeas, West Java. 

Agus and Sylviana will register with the Jakarta Election Commission (KPUD) at 
7.00 p.m. on Friday.

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