res : Ada berapa banyak mesjid ada di Jakarta dibandingkan dengan hanya ada 36 
restoran halal?

Monday, 26 September 2016, 21:01 WIB
Only 36 halal restaurants available in Jakarta
Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Republika/Yasin Habibi 
One of kosher certified-restaurant

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Three years after halal certification regulation 
ruled out in DKI Jakarta province, only 1,8 percent from 1.981 restaurant has 
kosher certificate. It means only 36 halal restaurant available in Jakarta.

Executive Director of Indonesia Halal Watch Ikhsan Abdullah said it occured 
because the city administration has not made the need of halal restaurant for 
Muslims as a priority. So does the business sector.

"Meeting the needs of its citizen in obtaining halal food and beverages should 
be the obligation of Jakarta Provincial Governent," Ikhsan said.

Jakarta Governor Regulation No.158/2013 about Restaurant and Non-Restaurant 
Halal Certification should be implemented properly, because the regulation 
binds the governor and the public. 

"It seems, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama has a low commitment on 
implementing kosher regulation that protects Muslim citizen as majority," 
Ikhsan said in a statement made available to, on Sunday (9/25). 

Jakarta Governor Regulation 158/2013 also very much in line with the mandate of 
Law Number 33 Year 2014 on halal product assurance which requires that all 
products circulating in the community must be certified kosher. 

As the capital city, Jakarta is very suiteable to be a pioneer of healthy and 
halal modern lifestyle.

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