As the China-US trade war and the US’s ‘pivot to Asia’ policy looks to 
continue there has been serious consideration within Washington over how the US 
should conduct relations with Taiwan. The Trump administration has sought to 
increase its support for Taipei, recently authorising another arms deal package
 Therefore, as the US attempts to counter the growing influence that China is 
gaining throughout the Asia Pacific region, its relations with Taiwan could 
become more strategic.

 Losing friends fast: What does the future hold for Taiwan? 

  by Charles Williams , 
October 27, 2018


 China has been gradually but successfully cutting the diplomatic ties Taiwan 
has worldwide, especially since the pro-independence party’s returned to power 
in 2016. This year alone has seen 3 states switch their allegiances from Taipei 
to Beijing, marking a drastic decrease in the amount of recognition and 
legitimacy Taiwan commands internationally as an independent state. China is 
now seen to have more influence over the Island’s affairs than ever before and 
has taken a step closer politically to national reunification.
 The pattern during Tsai’s tenure as President On 21st August El Salvador 
severed ties
 with Taiwan which meant it no longer recognised the Republic of China (ROC) 
government in Taipei as the legitimate representation of China. President 
Salvador Sánchez Cerén expressed that the decision was made in light of the 
extraordinary opportunities that having a relationship with Beijing offers. 
This severance came after the Dominican Republic and Burkina Faso did the 
same earlier this year.
 Since Tsai Ing-Wen came into office in 2016 a total of 5 countries have chosen 
to switch diplomatic allegiances and align with the People’s Republic of China 
(PRC). The continuing loss of diplomatic recognition of Taiwan has come about 
because of the increasing political and economic power and influence the PRC 
has globally. Direct diplomatic and military pressure from China has also been 
a challenge President Tsai and her independence-leaning Democratic Progressive 
Party have had to tackle.

 Source: Stratfor

 The ‘one china principle’ is a policy that has been a central feature of 
cross-strait relations for decades and has become essential for President Xi’s 
agenda of reining the ‘wayward province’ into line. Despite refusing to 
acknowledge the ‘one china principle’,
 the Tsai administration has had difficulty in resisting this policy, and the 
control and intimidation from China that comes along with it. As a consequence 
of this struggle, Taiwan is now left with only 17 diplomatic allies.
 China is taking a political stronghold over the Island nation Politically, 
recognition by other states allows a country to have political legitimacy when 
conducting international relations. This has great impact on Taiwan’s ability 
to contribute
 global governance through official bodies such as the United Nations and the 
World Health Organisation. So as China continues to squeeze the island’s 
diplomatic presence on the world stage, Taiwan’s ability to function as an 
independent state is considerably reduced.
 Taiwan has experienced diplomatic isolation since losing the Chinese seat for 
the United Nations in 1971. Despite this Taiwan has been determined to remain 
an active member of international society. Since mid-1990s this has been done 
through taking advantage of the islands dynamic self governing democracy to 
forge a new identity and 
presence internationally. Yet, Beijing is keen to quash Taiwanese presence 
globally and has therefore tried to strip Taiwan of all allies through an 
intense programme of lobbying. This has seen a constant flow of countries who 
are slowly but surely switching to the PRC.
 Economically, interconnectivity between the two economies has increased vastly 
since the turn of the century, with China now being Taiwan’s biggest trading 
partner. Taiwanese labour and business have increasingly been able to move 
across the strait onto the mainland where wages and business opportunities are 
now greater, especially in China’s southern coastal provinces. Due to the 
growing dependence Taiwan now has on the Chinese economy, Beijing is able to 
exert economic pressure onto both Taiwanese and international companies, even 
if it is to change the way businesses refer to ‘Taiwan’ itself
 Taiwanese businesses are even feeling the increasing pressure from Beijing 
when conducting business abroad. This has been evident in East Africa where 
Beijing has interfered
 with Taiwanese trade missions and pressured authorities not to issue visas to 
Taiwanese businesspeople.
 Militarily, the relationship between the two actors is rather tense, despite 
both Beijing and Taipei expressing that direct conflict is undesirable. China 
has undergone a large military modernisation programme which has significantly 
raised its military capabilities. This has informed a more confident Chinese 
military. A series of military exercises
 Taiwan have taken place, including regular bomber patrols and naval training 
exercises around the island.
 Whilst Beijing maintains that the exercises are protecting peace and stability 
in the Taiwan strait, Taipei expresses its concern over the actions of China 
and uphold that they will not accept Chinese military pressure and threats. 
Accordingly, on 10th October, President Tsai announced that the defence budget 
would increase
 every year so that Taiwan can effectively safeguard its sovereignty.
 What to keep an eye on The El Salvadoran decision to switch allegiances to 
Beijing is of concern to Taipei as it may impact on neighbouring Central 
American countries, like Guatemala and Honduras, causing them to re-evaluate 
their political allegiances as well. The 
Vatican is also of importance due to it being Taiwan’s last formal relation in 
Europe. China will be keen to target it, but issues remain over the control of 
the Roman Catholic church within China. Meanwhile, China will continue to apply 
diplomatic pressure and flaunt trade and economic opportunities in the attempt 
to convince the remaining 17 countries in the medium to long term, depending on 
the political situation within Taiwan.
 If this were to occur Taiwan’s identity as a self-governing independent state 
will be questioned, as in terms of international law there will be no proof for 
Taiwan’s “capacity to enter into relations with other states” that evidences 
its independence. Additionally, Taiwan’s membership to key organisations such 
as the World Trade Organisation, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, 
the International Olympic Committee and the Pacific Economic Cooperation 
Council are all called into question. To counter this Taiwan is trying to forge 
economic ties, most recently with India,
 commonly deemed a strategic rival to China. It is also trying to develop 
deeper ties with European states that are also sympathetic to causes Taiwan 
champions, such as human rights.
 There is a chance that Taiwan may seek to rejuvenate the relations it has with 
the United States. As the China-US trade war and the US’s ‘pivot to Asia’ 
policy looks to continue there has been serious consideration within Washington 
over how the US should conduct relations with Taiwan. The Trump administration 
has sought to increase its support for Taipei, recently authorising another 
arms deal package
 Therefore, as the US attempts to counter the growing influence that China is 
gaining throughout the Asia Pacific region, its relations with Taiwan could 
become more strategic.


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