>This would be (sort of) considered a type of self-modifying code, right?

I think that's generally agreed to be true. The program inspects itself and
changes its behavior as a result.

Ryan Gambord

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 4:54 PM Derrick.Greenspan <
derrick.greens...@knights.ucf.edu> wrote:

> [This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and
> attachments.]
> Thank you, understanding how that works in real processors is very useful,
> as I'll ultimately be in charge of writing the code that does the same for
> this alternative memory system I am porting over.
> Gem5 itself seems to have the L1 instruction cache snoop the data cache,
> which I figured was inaccurate behavior, but seems to be a reasonable
> tradeoff for the flexibility of having arbitrary levels of cache. I believe
> Ruby handles things appropriately, however.
> Thanks so much for all your help, I really appreciate it! This would be
> (sort of) considered a type of self-modifying code, right?
> All my best,
> *Derrick Greenspan **MSCS*
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Eliot Moss <m...@cs.umass.edu>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 25, 2020 7:44 PM
> *To:* Derrick.Greenspan <derrick.greens...@knights.ucf.edu>; gem5 users
> mailing list <gem5-users@gem5.org>; Gambord, Ryan <
> gambo...@oregonstate.edu>
> *Cc:* Yan Solihin <yan.soli...@ucf.edu>; Mark Heinrich <
> heinr...@cs.ucf.edu>; Justin Gosselin <jpgosse...@knights.ucf.edu>;
> Christopher Giles <stard...@gmail.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [gem5-users] Re: Cache-line contains both instructions and
> data?
> On 10/25/2020 7:26 PM, Derrick.Greenspan wrote:
> > Thank you so much for that clarification! Glad to hear that this /is/
> appropriate behavior. So, just
> > to double check, my understanding one more time; it sounds as if it is
> appropriate for it to map to
> > the same cacheline as well, correct? In an inclusive cache, the L1I
> cache would then get the data
> > from the L2 cache, correct? In an exclusive cache, would this mean that
> the L1D cache invalidates
> > its copy and the L1I cache then grabs it from memory?
> Mostly.  In real processors, I and D cache are not usually coherent with
> each other, because the
> case is rare and it's too costly (you don't want I cache having to worry
> about modifications).  What
> is done in practice is that modified instructions are cleaned from the L1D
> cache (making sure the
> modifications are out L2, etc.), invalidated in the L1I, and then the
> processor adequate
> synchronized to make sure those actions have happened.  Then an
> instruction reference will miss in
> the I cache and fetch the modified data from the L2 cache (or memory).
> Each processor architecture
> will have specific requirements.  I can't vouch for exactly how this is
> handled in gem5 for any
> specific processor.
> Best wishes - EM
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