Review of draft-fenner-obsolete-1264-02.txt 

Summary: this is reasonable and it should be approved.  I have 2 small
nits, that can
be addressed or not.

Small nit #1:  In the abstract it says: 

   ... In today's Internet, there are so
   many other pressures against deploying unreasonable protocols that we
   believe that existing controls suffice, and the RFC 1264 rules just
   get in the way.

It is somewhat unclear who the 'we' is.  It would be good to clarify who
'we' are.

Small nit #2: 

   At the time of this writing, there is an IETF working group (newtrk)
   chartered to update the IETF Standards Process.  Since this work is
   ongoing, we encourage those who believe there should be different
   rules for different types of protocols to participate in that work in
   order to clarify the qualifications.  The biggest problem we've
   experienced is to perform a precise classification of when to apply
   additional constrains and when not to.

Isn't newtrk shutting down? It might not be good to encourage people to
try to
address changes in that WG, as it won't be around once this draft is
as an RFC.


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