Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Wednesday 04 April 2007 03:33, Niklas Gustavsson wrote:
Currently, there is only one active commiter (me) and no active mentors.
This causes some issues with the project. As a way of promoting the
project and possibly get more people interested in contributing, it's my
belief that we need to get a series of milestone releases out (much like
most other incubating projects).

As Bill points out, no releases before you have more eyeballs. Sad, I agree...

It's a position I certainly can agree with as well.

I think that FTP is perceived as 'old' and not relevant anymore. On top of that, I suspect that FtpServer is almost complete, which makes noone's fingers itchy. "Why bother with FTP, when it comes with every *nix computer, or can easily be installed?"

Yes, I think this is one of the main reasons FtpServer is having these problems. FTP is not as cool as some newer stuff, even though its use is probably magnitudes larger. Myself I like to mix well established stuff and the new and cool :-)

I think you should concentrate on a couple of higher profile use-cases.

 - Knopflerfish has a telnet server connection available for the console.
   AFAIK, Apache Felix doesn't have that. How can the existing Felix Text UI
   (TUI) be complemented with FTP client access?

 - I have seen StarWars parody over an FTP session. Hack something cool up
   which you can host somewhere (ask at if nothing else).

 - Describe via documentation more complex cases, which can be done via FTP.

 - If secure FTP is supported, push for that as an alternative to SSH, which
   ain't that easy to use with jsch for instance. If secure FTP is not
   supported, that is where you get the additional developers.

I think all of these are great ideas for articles and blog posts. Thanks!

 - Evangelize why FTP is not dead, and still viable for certain scenarios.

It's at least used in great extent and bridging to other protocols (JMS, WS-* and so on) is surely needed.


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