hi Thomas

you'll get a faster and better response if you ask this question on the
tomcat user list. please read http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html.

- robert

On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 07:32 +0100, Kubiak, Thomas wrote:
> Hello guys.
> We have the following configuration:
> Server 1:   Tomcat 5.5.9
> Server 2:   Win 2003 Server + IIS
>             Jakarta Isapi Redirector 1.2.14
> All client machines uses MS IE6 with activated "integrated windows
> authentification".
> Now our problem is, that with active windows authentification the user will
> not be "identified" by the server running the IIS and the Isapi Redirector.
> The common Windows login window appears, but even when we put in the right
> login-data the user can not be logged in. It asks for login data for server
> 2. Anonymouse access is diabled within the virtual host on the IIS machine.
> Integrated windows auth. is enabled.
> When turning off that feature in IE6, the login + redirection works ok. But
> that's the problem, we need this "integrated windows authentification"
> feature enabled for other applications.
> We use this code to idetify the user:
> <%
> Response.Cookies("user").Value = User.Identity.Name
> Response.Cookies("authorization").Value = "ntlm"
> %>
> and then redirect to server 1. Server 1 then uses that cookie to confirm the
> userlogon.
> Any ideas how to get this working with enabled windows authentification ?
> Thanks + regards
> Thomas
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