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The following page has been changed by PhilSteitz:

The comment on the change is:
Filled in commons-math GSOC blurb

  ==== Commons Math (GSOC summary) ====
+ Xiaogang Zhang successfully completed his Summer of Code project, 
contributing significant additions and enhancements to the commons-math 
numerical analysis package and the beginnings of a transform package.  Most of 
these improvements have been committed to svn trunk and will be included in 
version 1.2.  Some of his contributions are still in review / revision.  He 
also contributed enhancements and bug fixes outside of the scope of his SOC 
project, which will be included in the 1.1 release in preparation.
  ==== Commons Sandbox ====
   * Commons Exec started, seeded with code from Ant's Exec task.

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