Hello list,

I am facing several problems in building a Platform Project.
I am doing this as the 'help contents' in the Tizen IDE says.
It's under the location below. It's in the 'help contents'.

Tizen Platform Programming > Platform Development Process > Building
the Platform > Building the Platform Package in the IDE

There is an explanation like this:

"If an error message is displayed in the Console tab, you must
***install the packages*** that are needed to build your project. Once
the installation is complete, build your platform again."

As this is explained, there is a problem during building the package I cloned.

bash-4.1$ rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/org.tizen.memo.spec
오류: Failed build dependencies:
        pkgconfig(appcore-efl) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(appsvc) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(elementary) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(ecore) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(ecore-x) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(ecore-imf) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(ecore-input) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(eina) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(evas) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(edje) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(heynoti) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(utilX) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(iniparser) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(ui-gadget-1) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(dlog) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(bundle) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(icu-i18n) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(memo) is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        pkgconfig(capi-appfw-application) is needed by 
        pkgconfig(capi-system-runtime-info) is needed by 
        libug-contacts-devel is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        cmake is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        edje-bin is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        embryo-bin is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
        gettext-devel is needed by org.tizen.memo-0.2.1-13.i586
bash-4.1$ exit
Build Failed!

So I tried to install the packages needed.

Tizen Platform Programming > Platform Development Process > Packaging
the Platform > Installing Packages

So I arrived this place and found an explanation below:

"If there is a warning message about the HTTP proxy environment
variable, set the ***proxy configuration*** and restart the Package
Manager to ensure that the warning message disappears."

And the proxy configuration is explained in the following place.

Tizen Platform Programming > Platform Development Process > Packaging
the Platform > Package Manager > Proxy Settings


The "help content" says that this environment variable is a must to set.

But actually I am not behind any HTTP Proxy!! (My Chrome's Proxy
setting is EMPTY!!)
I don't understand this but I set OBS_HTTP_PROXY to my default routing
IP, the IP of gateway.

And lastly I tried to set the Repository URL on the Package Manager.
It is explained in the location below.

Tizen Platform Programming > Platform Development Process > Packaging
the Platform > Installing Packages

But I couldn't find any repository URL. So I tried the URL below :


But when I try to "Refresh" the Repository I put, I find error message
from the Console view :

'http://download.tizen.org/tools/xUbuntu_11.10/repodata/repomd.xml' 에
대한 다운로드 (curl) 오류 :
오류 코드 : Connection failed
오류 메시지 : couldn't connect to host

저장소 ' xUbuntu_11.10' 메타데이터 회수중 [.

I'd like to confirm and verify
- the Repository URL I must use
- the HTTP Proxy IP I can set (I am not behind HTTP firewall/Proxy, My
Chrome's Proxy setting is EMPTY!!)

And I wonder if building of Platform Package is even possible at this
stage. Do others compile this?

I am sorry for the too long question but this is very hard to explain.. for me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards
Journeyer J. Joh

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m
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