Hi guys, I'm totally new here, but I've been active in the Tizen community
for a while now :)

Been working on a 3D multiplayer games designer where you can update source
code, art assets and design in real-time across web and mobile devices.

I'd like to show you guys an early prototype of the designer running on a
Tizen dev device here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtIpJ4VXvXc

Would love to hear your thoughts on the concept.

We also launched a crowd funding campaign to help develop the product, so
any support you can give would be really appreciated :)

Included in the campaign we're offering royalty free game packs to release
your own games from, multiplayer hosting and even on the higher reward
tiers is helping you get your own 3D multiplayer game out on Tizen (and
other devices).

Ashraf Samy Hegab
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