On Saturday 21 February 2015 09:49:27 Olivier Nyssen wrote:
> This makes life extremely difficult for the only company brazen enough to
> sell an Android fork in the west: Amazon. Since the Kindle OS counts as an
> incompatible version of Android, no major OEM is allowed to produce the
> Kindle Fire for Amazon. So when Amazon goes shopping for a manufacturer for
> its next tablet, it has to immediately cross Acer, Asus, Dell, Foxconn,
> Fujitsu, HTC, Huawei, Kyocera, Lenovo, LG, Motorola, NEC, Samsung, Sharp,
> Sony, Toshiba, and ZTE off the list. Currently, Amazon contracts Kindle
> manufacturing out to Quanta Computer, a company primarily known for making
> laptops. Amazon probably doesn't have many other choices."
> http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/10/googles-iron-grip-on-android-controll
> ing-open-source-by-any-means-necessary/3/

I see.

I didn't know this included the ODMs too.

This is easily worked around by just buying the part without an OS and letting 
Amazon or another company flash the OS in it and install. Then again... easier 
said than done.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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