The website certificate is *still* broken, more than 6 months
after I originally raised the issue.    I've raised it on the mailing lists
at least 3-4 times now.

It was embarrassing six months ago.    I don't even know what to call it
any more.    Soul-destroying mortifying shameful?    Is this really the
best we can manage?

On a well-configured browser, users cannot even access the Wiki to read
about Tizen:

In six months, Intel, Samsung and the Linux Foundation between them really
cannot manage to fix a certificate on a website?

I'm fed up of hearing myself saying the same things again and again, and
I'm sure everybody else is even more fed up of hearing me.   Please can't
we just *fix it*?   Thanks!

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 4:22 AM, Bob Summerwill <> wrote:

> Please can somebody sort out the certificate on the Wiki?
> It is an embarrassing 'broken window'.
> Cheers,
> Bob

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