On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 12:28:31AM +0000, Casey Allen Shobe wrote:
> > chsh has also been vetted for security problems a LOT more
> > closely than vchkpw. I don't trust vchkpw with suid-root.
> Then use suidctl?
I do on my production machines.

> > The postfix maintainers were asked about it once before, and the
> > answer was that there wasn't enough demand for it. You're only
> > the second person that's asked (that I am aware of).
> ...and I'm not actually asking for it, though it would be nice to be 
> in the ebuild just for the sake of completeness.  I don't actually 
> know anybody who uses postfix+vpopmail on the vpopmail list.
For the sake of completeness and as an academic exercise, I'll accept
tested patches for it ;-).

> > This is decidedly not a good idea, unless vchkpw gets locked up
> > more so that only specific things can run it (otherwise it can
> > easily be used to brute-force passwords).
> True.  Would the best way to do that be to only give the vpopmail 
> group execute access to vchkpw, and then add qmail-smtpd to that 
> group, but still have vchkpw suid?
On the vpopmail list in the distant past, I recall mention of the
concept of an authentication server, so you could have vchkpw without
any additional permissions. Nobody took it up at the time, and I never
heard of it again. However it would be one of the best routes to solve
this. Just implement the checkpassword interface on a socket, and be
done with it.

> It seems that su could be easily used to brute-force passwords, too, 
> but it's suid by default.
Yes, but su does more logging than vchkpw ;-).

> Maybe what is needed is an extension to suidctl where emerge checks 
> any installed binaries against things present in suidctl.conf that 
> *should* be made suid if they're listed in there even if they're 
> not suid by default?
This is getting into cfengine territory (which can do exactly what
you're asking for here).

Robin Hugh Johnson
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