On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 02:31:02PM -0600, Ryan Hill wrote:
> Kumba wrote:
> > Anyways, thoughts?
> Yes please.

Guess I'll be the killjoy, and throw in the -1 on it.

Reasons are pretty straightforward (at least to me):

1) Creating such channels is just attempting to shift the problem out 
of sight.
2) Shifting said problem into a concentrated arena means the incidence 
of idiot conflicts/trolling/needling/whatever is likely to increase
3) said increase means proctors/devrel have more work (meaning more 
random outbursts at the proctors/devrel when folks realize that they 
*are* going to enforce the behaviour rules, and that the outburstes 
can be punished too).
4) look through -dev history; the issue isn't OT discussion, it's 
people needling/harassing/trolling/(chose your verb) kicking off yet 
another "mine is bigger" last word battle on the ml.

Basically, what does this solve?  If the intention is to create an OTW 
equivalent for the forums, sure, go nuts, but I strongly doubt it'll 
improve things on -dev.

So what is the explicit purpose of this?  Honestly assumed it was just 
a joke at debians expense initially, but folks seem to be serious 
about it...


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