Steven J Long <> posted, excerpted below, on  Fri, 19
Jun 2009 09:52:18 +0100:

> Thomas Anderson wrote:
>> Tiziano Muller(dev-zero) banned igli from #-council for what he called
>> repeated trolling after private warnings.
> This is inaccurate, and to be frank, a lie.
> dev-zero was placed on /ignore

> Furthermore, he only banned me 8 hours after I had left the channel.

> (It's OK, it's a joke.)

Wow, joke or not, this is the kind of thing that makes me glad I don't do 
IRC.  There's enough of it here, where people get to think about what 
they write before they post (whether they actually /do/ or not...).  I 
don't need more of that sort of stuff in my life.  I wasn't there and 
don't know, and don't care to know, the details.  And my life remains 
much simpler and happier for that. =:^)

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