-- Jean-Marc Paulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:

> 2. Todays pb.
> From any terminal (X or not), if I type man man (or man anything in
> fact), I see on the screen "ESC[1m" instead of bold characters. Looks
> very much like the old escape sequence for VT100 kindof terminal. I
> have obviously srewed something up somewhere. But what ????
> Can anyone help me on this?

I was recently getting that for a couple days as well. It seems to have
fixed itself, and I'm not sure whether it's because I got around to
running etc-update or because I upgraded again. I've been doing a lot
of both the last couple days. I'm just guessing here, but I'd give
etc-update a try, and if that doesn't work do emerge -u man.

In the meantime (until you get it fixed), you can get things to at
least look better by doing:

    $ export PAGER='less -s -R'

This will cause less to pass through the ANSI color escape sequences.
Good luck.

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