On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 22:00, Eric Miller wrote:
> I have the latest Gentoo on a dual PIII 450, i440
> chipset, GeForce2 MX video card.  I am not new to
> linux, and this is my second Gentoo system.  I am ,
> however new to 3D drivers in linux, and I want to play
> my retail UT2K3 on my Gentoo box!!!  Yes, I have X
> working flawlessly (without glx or nvidia drivers).  I
> am using the latest gentoo-sources kernel, and I am up
> to date with emerge -u world and etc-update.  

1. are you sure that the correct opengl is selected?
run 'opengl-update nvidia'

2. what error does X give? it's in /var/log/XFree86.0.log

> I follow the Gentoo Desktop Docs to the letter:
> -I have X configured already (and running WindowMaker)
> -emerge nvidia-glx, no prob
> -emerge nvidia-kernel, no prob
> -edit XF86config to load glx and use driver "nvidia"
> -now, I cannot startx!
> -if I change my Xconfig back to no glx and "nv", X
> boots fine.
> SO
> on IRC someone tells me to run it with
> ACCEPT_KEYWORD="~x86" mask.
> so, I unnmerge them both, set that, and emerge them
> again.  This time I get a no MTRR in kernel error. 
> So, I rebuild kernel (from scratch, clean tree, delete
> old bzImages in /usr/src/..../1386/boot and in /boot,
> just to make sure!) This time with MTRR support in the
> config.
> mv new kernel to /boot/bzImage, reboot to get it in
> memory...unmerge glx and nv driver, set ACCEPT
> KEYWORD, and emrerge again.  
> I have rebuilt my kernel twice now just to make sure
> MTRR is in there.
> Please help me!  The only reason I build this box was
> to play Unreal, I dont want to have to rely on M$
> anymore!!!
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