I updated yesterday and now anything related to gnome starts a memory
leak that i can't seem to stop.  I usually use enlightenment and when I
try to open nautilus or evolution this memory leak occurs.  It'll keep
sucking memory until the computer crashes. The program I attempted to run
never starts correctly. (For evolution it'll show the splash screen but
none of the components start up, in nautilus it'll begin flashing the
main screen and the wm will begin to beserk)  Games and other simpler
gnome programs also start the leak.

Yesterday, right after updating, I looked at gnome and everything worked
fine, now I can't even get into gnome anymore but this could be because
I've done some hard resets when it crashed and further messed up whatever
gnome component is causing the problem.

Another strange thing is that many of the scripts in the beginning have
problems with syntax errors involing '}'.  I haven't messed with any of
these scripts so I don't see why they would have problems.  Is there a
way to regenerate the init.d scripts without re-emerging the related

There are other strange errors at bootup that weren't there before (see

Thanks for the help,

BOOT Errors:
 * Caching service dependencies...
/mnt/.init.d/depcache: line 366: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
/mnt/.init.d/depcache: line 366: `}'                                     
[ ok ]

Updating environment...
gawk: /lib/rcscripts/awk/genenviron.awk:134: fatal: can't redirect to
`/etc/profile.env' (Read-only file system)                               
          [ ok ]rm: cannot remove `/var/run/console.lock': Read-only file
rm: cannot remove `/var/run/console/arlo': Read-only file system
 * Cleaning /var/lock, /var/run...
rm: cannot remove `./.keep': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./console/arlo': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./samba/smbd.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./samba/nmbd.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./apache.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./sshd.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./cron.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./elogind.pid': Read-only file system
rm: cannot remove `./console.lock': Read-only file system
/sbin/runscript.sh: line 63: /var/run/utmp: Read-only file system
touch: creating `/var/log/wtmp': Read-only file system
chmod: changing permissions of `/var/run/utmp': Read-only file system
chmod: changing permissions of `/var/log/wtmp': Read-only file system
/sbin/runscript.sh: line 73: /var/lock/.keep: Read-only file system      
[ ok ]
  Arlo White

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