On February 10, 2003 09:46 pm, Mike Bohan wrote:
>       I'm trying to do an emerge -u, and one of the dependencies calls for
> mjpegtools. The build fails with the following message. It seems
> libartsc is not in the linker path. I found the library I believe in
> /usr/kde/3.1/lib/, and it appears to be registered in the ldpath. Does
> anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance..

i had exactly the same problem and solved it by creating a symlink to the 
propper file in /usr/lib:

  /usr/lib/libartsc.so -> /usr/kde/3.1/lib/libartsc.so

the revolution will not be right back after a message about
a white tornado, white lightning, or white people.
you will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom,
a tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl.
the revolution will not go better with Coke.
the revolution will not fight the germs that may cause bad breath.
the revolution will put you in the driver's seat.
the revolution will not be televised, will not be televised,
will not be televised, will not be televised.
the revolution will be no re-run brothers;
the revolution will be live.
        - gil scott heron

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