On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 14:28, Bob Lockie wrote:

> Is there any software for identifying which chip it is?

I use bash :D

cat /proc/cpuinfo

Handy bash commands for finding out stuff in Linux:
# Find CPU specifications
cat /proc/cpuinfo

# What pci cards are installed and what irq/port is used
cat /proc/pci

# Memory and swap information

# How is the hard drive partitioned
fdisk /dev/hd<X> -l

# How much free drive space
df -h

# Show disk usage by current directory and all subdirectories
du | less

# Find running kernel version
uname -r

# Find X server version
X -showconfig

# What is the distribution
cat /etc/.product
cat /etc/.issue
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/issue.net

# For finding or locating files

# Use dmesg to view the kernel ring buffer (error messages)
dmesg | less

# Watch error messages as they happen (sysklog needed)
as root, [b]tail -f /var/log/messages[/b] (shows last 10 lines, use a
number in front of [b]f[/b] for more lines)

# What processes are running
ps -A

# Find a process by name
ps -ef | grep -i <plain text>
For example, XCDroast
ps -ef | grep -i xcdroast
# See current environment list, or pipe to file
env | more
env > environmentvariablelist.txt

# Show current userid and assigned groups

# See all command aliases for the current user

# What directory am I using

# What takes up so much space on your box
# Run from the directory in question and the largest chunk shows up last
find $1 -type d | xargs du -sm | sort -g

Look at [B]man <command>[/B] or [B]info <command>[/B] for the flags I
used and for other options you can use for bash commands.

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