On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 16:19, Jonathan Chocron wrote:
> The exact samle thing happenned to me. From what I
> understand, now, when compiling, portage logs in as
> user "portage", executing any code found in you
> /etc/profile.
> You should probably remove uptime and fortune from
> your /etc/profile and put them in your
> ~/.bash_profile,

Thank you for answering me...
your advice helped me, after a fashion:
it turned out that my portage didn't check my /etc/profile at all, but
DID parse my /root/.bashrc (I had a copy of my uptime ; fortune there
which I had forgotten about).
Problem solved.
Thanks again...

Michele Noberasco

Linux *IS* user friendly: it just appears
to be selective who it is friend with!

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