-- Eric Livingston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:

>> Baselayout was because of some problems which were introduced with
>> the recent update. Be very careful with baselayout; you
>> _must_ do etc-update before rebooting (going either ->
>> or back again), although I don't recall which files are the
>> important ones. Details at
>> <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15175>.
> I read through the bug, but it seems to be related to hassles of not
> etc-updating. I etc-update pretty religiously, and certainly did after
> updating baselayout to Also, I run a very vanilla system,
> and I almost always choose to overwrite the existing file with the
> updated one, so I'm pretty sure my /etc is as up-to-date as it could
> be.
> So, would it be safe to ignore the downgrade, and somehow unmask
> so it doesn't want to go backwards?

It sounds like you'd be safe either way (unmasking or downgrading). The
important thing is to not reboot before doing etc-update. Sounds like
you're fine there.

> I haven't rebooted the machine in months, so I don't know what would
> happen if I did (related to all those boot errors other have gotten).
> Now I'm nervous to do so... as a general rule, is it safe to run a
> Gentoo system without rebooting after performing World updates, and
> in particular, baselayout updates (or other system-critical ones)?
> I guess another way of asking this is under what circumstances is it
> recommended to reboot a Gentoo system (particularly related to
> emerging?)

I'm not really qualified to answer this, but I will say that I've never
worried about it and I've never had any problems. I generally prefer
not to reboot, so I'll only do it if I need to change hardware, upgrade
the kernel, or if I'm having some problem that it seems like rebooting
would fix. I haven't yet had the last happen with Gentoo (but then I've
only been running it for 8 months or so). I probably rebooted when I
upgraded to 1.4, if the docs recommended it. I don't really remember.
All the other times I've rebooted (hardware stuff, kernel, etc.) have
gone smoothly.

In short, I wouldn't stress.

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