
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 11:25:47 -0700 (MST)
"J. Scott Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been using Gentoo on my main machine for months with nary a
> problem (Thanks to all involved, Gentoo is a great distribution)!  But
> something odd started happening a few days ago.  When I was ssh'd into it
> from my Mac OSX machine it would reset the connection.  And then it will
> not allow me to reconnect.  At first I put it down to some oddity with OS
> X (it's an old version anyway).
> But yesterday it started doing the same thing when I was logged in from
> the OpenBSD machine:
> If I login as root they work fine.  I don't remember changing anything
> configuration wise in the last few weeks.  The only new software I have
> installed in the last month was Audacity a couple of weeks ago.  (Which I
> never got to work.)  Could that have broken something and the problem
> didn't show up until now?

Can you have a look at your /etc/passwd file... maybe your userID have changed with 
some bad etc-update ?

Hope it helps !

"Une personne devrait aspirer à une vie honnête au vu de tous et avec fierté, et cela 
implique de dire "Non" au logiciel propriétaire." 
Richard Stallman cf [http://gnu.j1b.org/philosophy/why-free.fr.html]

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