Björn Lindström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gnus is a story by itself. It's really a newsreader, that can
> read mail by some tweaking. I guess the harm is already done if
> you're using emacs, though. 


Tooooo funnay. Some tweakin' and a few hours of readin' is more like it!

Mutt is a *great* mail client and is pretty much good to go from the moment
you emerge it from portage. You can find *great* ready made muttrc files out
on the net, or I can provide you with a nice muttrc (as I'm sure other mutt
users would if you asked) if you like.

Great thing about mutt is you type mutt and press <return> and you are reading 
your mail within 0-1 second, while using something like gnus might take you
2-6 seconds to be up and reading mail (depending on how you have everything 
set up). Mutt has a very small learning curve (as opposed to Pine which has
*no* learning curve) as opposed to emacs / gnus which has a naughty little
learning curve, but you should be up and running with gnus within 01-30 days
if you are so inclined and determined to do so.

I would suggest something like Mutt if you are comming from something similar
to Mozilla, as there is not much reading and *man* mutt'in' to begin with, but
I suggest gnus if you are already using emacs. I can proudly say I have not had
one commercial email which has not been zapped by gnus's scoring and regexp
rules and could not be happier with my mail / news reader, on the other hand,
I have been spending quite a few hours a day getting a hang of the whole
GNU "emacs" (gnus) sexperience (thanks to mkennedy). 

I never really put much time into figuring out if the following could be done
in 'mutt', so any of you mutt users correct me or enlighten me if the following
can be done.

See, I have about 26 aliases in my /etc/mail/aliases file (along with 32+
virtual domains) which generate quite a bit of email a day. I (maybe due to
lack of RTFM'ing) pretty much had 26 accounts on my system to maintain order, 
since having all of those aliases going into one account created one large
headache for me. You can imagine what a pain it was logging into each account
to check and see if I had mail... what a drag!

In comes gnus to the rescue! I now only have *one* (as opposed to 26) personal
account which I use for mail! This due to gnus's advanced way of mail handling
and filtering. I'll be honest with you, I've only really been using gnus for
the last 20-40 days, but oh man has this not been the answer to my prayers. My
mailbox has never been *cleaner* or more desirable than it is now. I'm sure I
could have *probably* of done this with mutt, but I never bothered learning
how to do so since I didnt really have to learn much to use it. So, maybe that
is my bad, but I'm doing it with gnus, so I'm excused :p

Bottom line:

Use pine if you dont want to think much and just want something reliable and

Use mutt if you want a bit more control over your mail client and just wanna
be up and running with minimal fuss.

Use gnus (emacs) if you wanna spend long hours awake tweaking your .emacs and
.gnus files and learning a whole new way of looking @ a mail / news client. 
Be prepared to spend more hours with this puppy than your current girlfriends
or wives, and dont say I didnt warn you when they get pissed cuz you're spendin
more time with your newsreader than *them* (yes them ;)). 

You wont be dissapointed with gnus... I can tell you that much. 

Gee, I wonder why I'm awake @ 11:29 UTC... oh yeah I'm tweaking my .gnus file

Have fun with whatever choice you make :)

Louis C. Candell

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