On Friday 14 March 2003 06:01 pm, Shane Hickey wrote:
> To fix it, I just went into
> Settings->Preferences->Rendering->Fonts/Colors and changed the Min. Size
> from 14 (or so) to 29.  That made everything look normal.

Yep. First step to fix something broken... But then you found it didn't work.

> Now.. here's the weird thing.  If I log out of X and log back in and
> start galeon, my friggin' text is gigantic.  Then I have to go back into
> Fonts and change the min. size back to 14 and it looks normal (normal,
> that is, until I log out of X and back in again).

Ok. What if you change your dpi setting and leave alone your font size?

This if from my XF86Config:

        Section "Monitor"
                Identifier      "Monitor0"
                HorizSync       30-77
                VertRefresh     47-104
                Option          "DPMS"
                DisplaySize     304 228

The interesting part is "DisplaySize Xmm Ymm." My screen is setup at 1152x864 

        1152 * 25.4 / 304 = ~96 dpi
        864 * 25.4 / 228 =  ~96 dpi

If you want to know the Xmm and Ymm values for your XF86Config do:

        x-res * 25.4 / 96 = Xmm
        y-res * 25.4 / 96 = Ymm


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