On Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:40:51 -0800
Susie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I used to use a version of xawtv's webcam but things came up and that
> varient didn't get updated for the new ov511 driver.  I've tried SDLcam
> but went to came which is simlar in configuration, etc to xawtv's webcam
> app.  You could just use xawtv to position the cam, and take a quick
> grab of the image.  But I think the quality of the output from camE is
> nice.  Also you can use gnomemeeting similar to netmeeting if you wish
> to use your cam for that.
Thanks for your reply. I did a quick look and xawtv seems to be in portage while camE 
is not. So I think I will go with xawtv for the time being. I will also I want to use 
gnomemeeting, but that looks like I need to add a very large section to devfs.conf. 
Right now I only want something simple to test the cam out. Right now I still have the 
scanner to get working, but that looks like it me just be a simple edit of the sane 
config file, then the cdrw that is the one that will take more knowledge to get fixed 
than I have now. After that there is about two other things to be done before I am 
happy and will call this install stable and a success. Yesterday I got the kernel to 
compile and finally got the printer to print and the floppy drive to read disks even 
though it is reading in 8.3 format (I think that is because I compiled in dos and 
windows partition support).
Thanks for your recommendations and most of all thanks for all your help in the past.

Ralph seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, hoping to reach the end soon so I 
can get productive.

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