On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 01:40:18PM -0500, Jason Giangrande wrote:
> Does anyone know how to check if a directory is empty?  I tried the
> following:
> if [ -d "/dir/to/remove" -a ! -s "/dir/to/remove" ]; then

Directories always have size > 0.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:mjinks$ mkdir foo
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:mjinks$ ls -ld foo
drwxr-xr-x    2 mjinks   users          48 Mar 31 12:37 foo

> Even if the directory (in this example "remove") is empty (has no other
> files or folders) the else statement runs, which means the directory
> does not get removed. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

There's probably a better way, but why not just use rmdir?  It won't
remove a directory with anything in it.

Michael Jinks, IB # Enterprise Networks & Systems Administration # UofC
      Reader!  Think not that
      technical information
      ought not be called speech;  -- Anonymous, "How to decrypt a DVD"

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