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On Wednesday 28 May 2003 14:01, Andrew Kirilenko wrote:
> Can you please paste java code here, which will calc md5 sum? I'd like
> to get "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592" from "hello".

I could mock something up, but it's besides the point actually. Any good 
programmer chooses the toolset that best suits the task ahead. I've been 
programming in a multitude of languages over the years, and the one thing 
I've learned is that there simply isn't any "best language"

Currently I use C++ as a general purpose language, I use borland's delphi or 
kylix if i want a quick GUI, i use java if i want to build something that 
need to run as is on a few platforms. 

At the company where I work (ref. sig), I'm responsible for the networking 
core code, and as such use C++ for most my work due to strong ties to OS 
specifics. The people that work with the high-level logic parts use java, 
avoiding a memory management hell in an extremely complex design. The windows 
launcher for our product's currently a Delphi thing, because it took 30 mins 
to get a decent GUI for it. The core number crunching and graphics engine is 
C++, to squeeze as much performance out of it as possible.

My point is, you can't simply claim that a language is bad. It might be bad 
for your purpose, but that doesn't mean it's a generally bad language. Sure, 
there might be failed languages that doesn't suit any particular task well, 
but most of the languages that're being used today are better than others for 
certain tasks.

Now, back to MD5. If i needed MD5 functionality, I'd use OpenSSL's 
implementation. It's premade, it works. I could ofcourse write a MD5 
implementation using shellscript and e.g. awk, but that would definitely be a 
bad choice of tools. I could write it in java if the main purpose of the 
project at hand was better suited to java. Or, I could write it in C or C++ 
if MD5 functionality was the core of the project, and I didn't want to depend 
on external libraries.

But, let's not make this a flame war. You're just as entitled to your opinion 
as I am to mine, so let's just agree to disagree ;)

- --Erik S. Johansen
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