Jose A Carrasco wrote:

Thanks Mark for your help.

Maybe it is a more hidden hardware problem. Anyway the cd was working with
the same hardware with Suse Linux.
It is an IDE disk UDMA66 quite modern (48x).

I have changed my complete computer for one exactly as I had before. I'm
going to try again the whole installation process.

no, its really not hardware problem, I experience the same on several older machines (PIII 700 class or 4x PIII 800 machine).
It does not happen for gentoo 1.2, but for every newer. At the moment I don't remember
exactly but indeed on the console appears for the milisecond warning saying something
about dma. Kernel parametere like "noudma" does not help. The same behaviour I have
with movix ("mplayer distro") so I assume this has something to do with kernel. Resetting ide by online unplugging and plugging again
ide tape fixes the problem.....


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