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Op vrijdag 20 juni 2003 16:23, schreef Kai Lindenberg:
> Hi Robert,
> Am Freitag, 20. Juni 2003 15:26 schrieb Robert van der Linde:
> > I just purchased a Toshiba 6100 and I have gotten everything to
> > work, except for the keyboard when i am using X.
> congratulation,
> > Whenever I type at regular speed (not so fast) keys are getting
> > "double-typed" and it is very anoying, it does not only occur
> > when using KDE or Gnome but also when i am using a regular
> > X-session, i have tried everything including xset and the kde and
> > gnome keyboard utils.
> this is a hardware issue on many (all?) toshiba-laptops. Check out
> the mailinglist "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from
> toshiba. IIRC the toshiba keyboard sends more than one key release
> event.
> There is one workaround using the accessX utilities
> (x11-misc/accessx-0950-r1). Use the programm "ax" to set a
> "Debounce Delay" of about 10 ms. Don't forget to disable the
> timeout. "ax help" should give you enough information.
> If you don't need the xkb-extension, you can also disable it to get
> rid of the problem, but you should prefer the ax-thing.
> Kai

I just found http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18628 this bug on bugzilla 
and it turns out that there is a possibility that i can get rid of this 
problem with one kernel-recompile, im trying this atm and i will report back 
when (if?) i reboot, if that fails I'll try your solution, thank you for your 

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