To this request, I'd like to add that I could use a Gentoo boot
floppy(s) that have good PCMCIA support. I have an old NEC Versa 6030H
with floppy & a PCMCIA 10MB ethernet, but no CDROM.

I tried various boot floppies, and most of them locked up when I tried
to bring up the 3c589D PCMCIA card. I've ordered a laptop HDD to desktop
HDD converter to get around this (install on desktop, then stick drive
back in laptop), but I'm sure good boot floppies to avoid this would be
useful for others.

On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:52:36 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Bjarke Bruun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> Hi there
> I have a scsi cdrom drive that won't boot bootable cdroms and I'd like
> to try Gentoo.... so is there a floppy (1.44Mb) bootdisk image
> somewhere that I can get started?

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