On Wednesday 25 June 2003 12:36, Ohad Lutzky wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 12:16:52PM +0100, MAL wrote:
> > Ok, so you either need a second network card, or use the dubious method
> > of doing to accross a hub as described elsewhere in this thread :)
> I'll ask my ISP how to do this. I sure hope I can do it dubiously...
> sounds easier :)

I would read the ISP's policy before asking about connecting a network to your 
ADSL connection. Many of the ISP's I know do not allow that. Although asking 
itsself wouldn't do any bad they could get aware of the fact that you are 
trying to do that. That would not be worrying either if I wouldn't have read 
about a method about half a year ago which describes a method of how to 
detect such a network by tracing IDs of TCP packages. This could put you on 
the ISP's watchlist and this wouldn't be a good thing. So before contacting 
the ISP: Read their policy!


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