Did there driver compile straight into Gentoo okay? Out of interest from
a kernel config perspective what do you have enabled to get the driver
to work? scsi_mod, sd_mod, ide-scsi?



On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 21:22, Patrick Nehls wrote:
> 3ware www.3ware.com makes what are generally considered to be the best (an
> almost *only*) hardware IDE RAID cards. They are supported under linux since
> the 2.2.15 kernel. They are not cheap like Highpoint or Promise based cards
> since they actually do hardware RAID rather than software. 
> Since it's hardware based you can run a fast RAID system on slow CPUs.
> Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: --[ UxBoD ]-- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [gentoo-user] 3 TB ATA RAID server
> Hi ...
> Just a question about the RAID cards you are using. Who makes them? Are they
> supported under Gentoo Linux? I have just brought a ITE RAID card and cannot
> get the driver to compile - so I have 2 x 120GB HDs sat idle at the moment
> :(
> On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 18:27, Patrick Nehls wrote:
> > You won't get much/any performance increase striping the RAIDs in 
> > Linux. The amount of data that the RAID5 will need, especially with 2, 
> > 8 drive arrays will absolutely swamp your PCI bus already. If you are 
> > doing gigabit transfers on top of this your PCI bus will be hit even 
> > harder.
> > 
> > With 8MB files you probably want a larger stripe size for performance 
> > reasons but the 3ware cards don't have much of a selection in that 
> > area (we use a 7500-8 at work for a 1.4TB array of 200GB Western 
> > Digitals).
> > 
> > I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of filesystem performance 
> > in Linux but I'd choose a journaling one just for the extra 
> > reliability. Neither Samba nor NFS add too much overhead to file 
> > transfers imho so either should work for your case. However if you 
> > have a Win2k client I'd just run Samba since the Windows box needs 
> > extra software to do NFS. If the IRIX box doesn't have samba then it 
> > may be easiest to run both on the server.
> > 
> > 3ware recommends sticking the card into a 64bit PCI slot for best 
> > performance. We're using it in a 32bit slot on a standard Intel 845G 
> > P4 motherboard and haven't had any major performance issues though the 
> > data is not heavily used (mostly a huge live backup server). If that 
> > Aopen board has 64 bit PCI slots, definitely use them. If it doesn't, 
> > with 2 large RAID arrays in one machine, you should consider the extra 
> > expense of a new motherboard with 64 bit PCI, processor, and RAM.
> > 
> > What case are you planning on putting this in? You can find some 3-4U 
> > rackmout cases with 16 hot swappable IDE drive bays but they aren't 
> > cheap. If you have a lower budget maybe you are planning on building 
> > one? You will need some beefy power supplies for 16+ drives.
> > 
> > Finally, this isn't necessarily important for you, but many of the new 
> > Intel 865PE and 875P based P4 motherboards have onboard gigabit LAN 
> > that uses a new bus to offload all LAN traffic from the overburdened 
> > PCI bus. In your case, this would likely give you a good performance 
> > boost. So ideally I'd grab an 865PE or 875P motherboard with the CSA 
> > Lan and 64bit PCI slots (if it exists). Er though I haven't checked to 
> > see if the kernel supports these LAN cards.
> > 
> > Please email me privately if you have any questions.
> > 
> > Good luck! It sounds like a fun project. :)
> > Patrick
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Karl Huysmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:09 AM
> > Subject: [gentoo-user] 3 TB ATA RAID server
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am planning to build a file server running Gentoo, and before I 
> > start buying equipment, I would like to ask if anyone had any 
> > experience with a similar setup.
> > 
> > Here's the challenge:
> > 
> > I need to provide around 3 TB of disk space with a limited budget. The 
> > files I need to store are all HD video frames, typically in SGI 
> > format, file size around 8 MB each. The files will be accesed from an 
> > SGI IRIX workstations and from one Win2K box. All these have Gigabit 
> > ethernet interfaces.
> > 
> > Some questions.
> > 
> > -I really don' t have the budget to do this with SCSI disks, so I 
> > planned to use two 3ware 7500-8 ATA cards and WD 250 GB drives. I 
> > would configure the 3wares for RAID-5, this would give me 
> > approximately 3.4 TB with 16 drives. I would then like to stripe the 
> > two RAID's with Linux software RAID0, hoping this could crank up the 
> > perfomance a little bit. Has anyone ever done this ? What would be the 
> > best chunk size for the software stripe, knowing that all files will 
> > be approximately 8 MB in size?
> > 
> > -Which file system would give the best results for this setup (ext3, 
> > reiser,xfs ...) ? Is there any way to tweak these files systems for 
> > optimal perfomance (8MB files) ?
> > 
> > -Any tips to boost network performance ? Any tips for Samba and nfs ? 
> > Or is there another network protocol I could try ?
> > 
> > -I have an AOpen dual PIII board available with two PIII-800 
> > processors. Would this be enough, or could I have better performances 
> > using a newer board (dual Athlon, Xeon, ...) ?
> > 
> > -How important is memory (speed, size) for this application? How much 
> > should I use ?
> > 
> > Any help or ideas greatly appreciated !

// --[ UxBoD ]-- // 2.4.20-gentoo-r5 // Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.53GHz //
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