On Sat, 28 Jun 2003 06:34 pm, Heschi Kreinick wrote:
> Someone gave you what I think is the right answer but I don't believe 
> ever responded, so I'll reiterate.
> I saw this line in your example login:
> Good day to avoid cops.  Crawl to work.
> which looks to me like you have `fortune` in your .bashrc or 
> scp will not work if commands you have in either generate output for
> non-interactive shells. Apparently you can test for $- containing i, 
> that's just ripped off a Google search, so...
> [snip?]
> -Heschi

All the output lines (like fortune) are inside an "if" statement testing 
for interactive shells.

I have also run the test suggested on the OpenSSH web site to look for 
output, and it showed none.

The test is:

    ssh destination.server /bin/true

(or /usr/bin/true, as appropriate)

If this produces any output (except password requests), then you need to 
changes your .profile scripts (or similar, depending on shell). I get 
no output when I run this test.

Besides, my login .profile scripts were copied verbatum from my previous 
RedHat install, and scp worked at that point, from the same box it is 
failing from now.

Reverend Paul Colquhoun, ULC.    http://andor.dropbear.id.au/~paulcol
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