Sorry, this didn't go to the list.

I'm using qpkg to find out what depends on some of these.  One is Evolution
which I was testing and which I'll probably remove and see if I can find
another mail client (not Kmail!).

What bothers me is that previous to this none of this gnome stuff was
needed but now all of a sudden emerge wants to dump all this junk in.  LIke
you if I wanted a Gnome desktop I'd run it and not xfce!  I think Gnome is
trying to keep up with KDE in terms of size and working it's way into
everything!  I don't mind having a little bit that's necessary to provide 
some support but all these libraries, etc is too much.

I looked at grip for a Caldera system and didn't want it because of all the
stuff that went with it from Gnome.  At that time I was using RPM and
couldn't get the right Gnome libraries to make it work!

It was Evolution -  I unmerged it and all that junk is no longer needed.  Now 
all I need is an email client for this system.

> > Hi,
> >
> > same problem here (-gnome in make.conf, I do not need a complete inferior
> > desktop).
> >
> > I have installed grip.. that is the culprit in my case because the latest
> > -up world wants to upgrade grip and to install all the gnome-stuff I do
> > NOT want, but without grip.. no gnome.
> >
> > Glück Auf
> > Volker


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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