On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:55:36 -0500
"Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  The result will be that many things are built as if it were
> a new installation and installing over the top of your current one
> would result in something less than good. 

Hmm... I don't believe that's what I'm seeing right now.  My lists are
still there and my members still exist.  Could you be more specific as
to what might have gotten overwritten?  I'm past the point of no return
now, so I just need to fix this.

> It is better to build mailman yourself in /usr/local (or
> whereever) and maintain it yourself.  It really isn't too hard to do.

I agree that it isn't hard to do, but I figured it might help the devs
out if people were actually using and testing the ebuild.  I'm probably
not the best candidate for that position, though.  ;)  Anyway, does
anyone have any ideas as to what might be borked?  My mailman aliases
are still in place, the cgis run but don't see my lists.  The lists
exist, though, according to everything I can run in /var/mailman/bin

Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Nerd
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